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Blog Posts Master of Wine

Journalism is going on hold for a few days, so I won’t be regaling you with juicy wine news for a week. .The fact is, I am now furiously studying canopy management, yeast spoilage etc etc in the hope of passing the first-year Master of Wine exams in a week.

Never did I think I would be so interested in planting densities or pH levels. I think I may be turning into a bore.

Why bother? Well, I like wine, I strangely like studying and, people take you more seriously in the trade. 

But it all comes at a cost. Financially, it’s a massive drain. Not only do you pay your fees (thanks to my uncle Phil for helping me out on this one), there’s the trips, tastings plus you have to take into account loss of earnings when you’re taking time out to study. A fellow student has taken a month’s unpaid leave before the exams. Ouch.

Is it worth it? Hell yeh. Ask me again in about three years’ time when I’m still trying to pass, and the answer might be different. If you are considering it and can motivate yourself to study, then go for it. You’ll meet so many great people in the wine trade from around the world but, be aware, you will turn into a wine geek. Sad but true,

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